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Questions about the FlexCost Platform

FlexCost unlocks digital sales and distribution for small and midsized manufacturers by enabling fast, accurate quotes. 

FlexCost can be set up for your manufacturer in just a few weeks. This immediately frees up your sales and quoting teams by reducing the time and effort required to create, update, and share quotes. In other words, you now can scale your distribution and sales without a hiring frenzy.

We also offer an eCommerce module to enable D2C distribution when you're ready. 

And last but not least, we offer easy integrations with third-party tools, such as CRM, accounting, payment solutions. These integrations plus our agile approach empower you to improve your sales process end-to-end and increase sales velocity.

Questions about the Data

A BOM is a structured list of all the parts that go into a product. 

If a product can be configured, there is not one but multiple possible BOMs (variants). Even basic window, door, or skylight products have hundreds to thousands of variants due to the number of configurations that you can make (height, width, glass, finishes, hardware, accessories).

This is why most established ERP and quoting softwares are so complicated and difficult to use. In a BOM-based quoting solution, your team has to know the different product configuration possibilities to actually build a quote. If they do have that detailed knowledge, it takes hours to actually produce a quote. And when that person leaves your company, they take all of that specialized knowledge with them. This process is inefficient and it creates dependencies that threaten your business.

With FlexCost, those problems evaporate. Our platform is easy to use with minimal training. And thanks to our machine-learning based pricing model, we uncouple BOMs from the pricing process, so you can focus on sales.

Questions about eCommerce

We do! Check out our own prototype, 24/7 Window Store.